Saturday, August 29, 2015

A New Chapter

A lot can happen in six and a half years. You can finish two degrees, travel to ten foreign countries, deepen bonds with your loved ones, loose several along the way, and start the path to figuring out what your true passion is. 

I know this statement to be true because all this and much more happened to me in the last six and a half years. 

I moved back to Phoenix, Arizona in June of 2009 and have been here ever since. Make no mistake about it, it was far from my first choice, but I desperately needed to leave Los Angeles. I was in a horrible state and needed a reality check. 

I left against my own conscious will on the heels of something tragic in nature. I trusted the wrong person with my reputation and good name. I finally trusted the wrong person and it caught up to me. The chain of events that followed would lead me to where I am now. If someone had told me this ten years ago when I first moved to Los Angeles, I would have laughed in their face. My, how the mighty have fallen. 

On the eve of my ten year anniversary of having moved to Los Angeles to pursue my love of acting, I learned two things; you have to know where you're going and who is going with you to be successful in life. I have never pondered either one of those questions so it was no surprise to me when I hit a wall. 

Having returned to LA in recent weeks proved extremely emotional to me. I almost feel like I am not done with Los Angeles or entertainment in the larger sense. I feel like there is still much left to be desired.... I have so many things to figure out. 

On a whirlwind set of travel excursions to California, I came up with my decision; I am not done with my creative life. I can't be. It fuels the fire that so desperately burns inside of me. It makes me want to explore and learn and thrive. More importantly, it is the thing that keeps me going.

Once a 18 year old, daisy fresh girl, to a full grown adult I have learned you can't turn your back on your love because you may miss it. I do miss it. I also miss the smog and the craziness of the city. Constant people watching, expensive rents, fabulous food, and the "Who's Who" of Hollywood just around the corner. Yes, LA is something's just not for me. 

I have decided to move on to greater passions. I have handcrafted something that will make my twenty year high school reunion quite memorable. I have also decided I will not get a moment's peace until I complete my masters and master something I love. I originally started this blog five years ago to gain inspiration for my book and I have been running from writing ever since. I believe this recent LA trip revitalized my spirit and inspired me to move forward with my goals. 

Besides, if you don't move forward, you will stay in the same place and I am done with living in neutral. I taking chances and heading east...for new adventures and a new chapter in my life! I am stepping out on faith and leaving the rest in God's hands....for once in my life.