This past weekend has restablished my feelings about big city living, some of my current relationships, friendships, love, and my future. I spent the weekend with my lovely boyfriend who lives in the city that never sleeps, New York. I have to say every time I go I always enjoy myself. We dance, we talk, we eat, and we fall in love all over again. This time, I had an added bonus, I got to see two of my good friends from college, Nia Witts & Diana Yekini! It was like we were on stage all over again. From the dancing, incessant conversation, reliving Academy life, and late night adventures, I can honestly say it was the pick me up I needed. Jimmy and I have the most intriguing experiences wherever we stay. For Valentine's day this year we stayed at a luxury resort in Tarrytown and there was a handicapped convention where groups of mentally challenged children we doing bellyflops into the 4 foot pool all while it was 20 degrees out! This time, we stayed in Stampford, CT. (a place we would both consider moving to & starting a family!) and this time, there was an Orthodox Jewish convention. So, each morning we woke up to small red-headed lil girls & fair haired little boys rocking their yamacas complete with side curls. We were stared at as if we were aliens. A Black woman and an Arab man walking around in a conservative area of town, holding hands with a Orthodox Jewish convention going on downstairs? It was interesting to say the least! The adventure was well worth it. It will forever be cemented in my memory as well. I look forward to more exciting adventures in NYC. It also got me to thinking, if I moved there I could have exciting adventures like such everyday! That would be too close to my Sex and the City fantasy that I mentally live out every night. The dream is more adventurous. Besides if I were living it, what would I have to write about and look forward to? MORE ADVENTURES, THAT'S WHAT!
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