If you are a Autumn enthusiast like myself, you know autumn is the absolute best time of year to do just about anything. The weather, in most states is finally starting to cool off. It is the perfect time of year to do just about anything. I have summarized my passionate feelings for fall in 6 tantalizing reasons why fall is the perfect time of year
1. Weather...In most states, fall marks the official decent into cool, crisp breezes and much cooler weather. Blend that with boots, hats, windbreakers, and fabulous hats and fall is fashion's most playful time of year!
2. Pumpkin season. Whether you're a fan of the ever so popular, pumpkin season (not really my thing), it is a fan favorite around the world. Once the end of September hits, all the world is gleefully adorned with beautiful accents of pumpkin including; pumpkin pie, pumpkin spice lattes, pumpkin cheesecakes, pumpkin seeds, and pumpkin patches.
3. Travel. Traveling in the fall has been something I have done for years. I am not sure if it is the holiday season or my birthday, but I tend to always get out of town during October-December. I personally believe I get to see the world in the most beautiful light when the sun sets earlier. This fall will be no different with trips to Thailand and Europe (part deux) planned, I will be
quite busy this fall as usual.
4. The fair. It doesn't matter where you live, for some glorious reason, the fair goes perfectly with fall. The cool breeze flies effortlessly through your hair while swinging on the swings or kissing on the ferris or eating a turkey leg....the possibilities are endless.
5. Doorway to the Holidays....it is inevitable that right after fall hits, the energy shifts to that of the holidays. All I can dream about is cider, delicious baked goods, family time, and lots of yummy cocktails.
6. Excellent films. Naturally, colder weather keeps people inside more so it is the perfect time for people to get together and see new films. Why do the best films come out in Autumn though? Maaaaybe because it is truly the best season!
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