Thursday, July 29, 2010


Today's thought, SSB. Anyone who has lived alone has a lil bit of SSB in them. For the completely clueless, SSB stands for Secret Single Behavior.Feel free to giggle to yourself, I certainly do every time I hear it. I first acknowledged that I had SSB when I realized all the weird things I would do alone in the privacy of my own apartment. One of the many things I did was sit upside down, painting my toe nails and pumicing my heels. Weird to some, totally normal to me. That same night I was on the phone with a friend and we were chatting about our day and I paused. She asked me what I was doing and I said "I'm pumicing my heels, they are so dry and gross." She then in asked in utter curiousity, "How can you focus on pumicing your heels and talk to me at the same time?" I merely replied "When you have secret single behavior, you become extremely good at multi-tasking." She laughed for a good five minutes and then we continued on with the conversation. After that night, I began to mentally evaluate every single action that took place while I was alone. From the cooking, dancing scantily clad to horrendous music, even waking up early just to lounge in your pj's all day never leaving your home once that day!This type of behavior would fall subject to scrutiny and ridicule if ever discovered. That is why it is secret. So anyone who is out there listening if you have any weird or questionable behavior don't worry I completely understand, your secret is safe with me.

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