Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Past the Moon

So I am currently reading two new books (gotta love the library), "What is this thing called Love" by Gene Wilder and "The Gospel According to Coco Chanel" by Karen Karbo. So far, I'm in utter bliss. Great reads. They have further inspired me to write a miraculous work of art! I have made a decision on the route I am taking for the topic, theme, and direction of the book. I hope the first rough copy will be completed after this year. So much is going on in my life right now: three new little babies are coming into my life (one of them is my godson), starting the rest of my education with college, completing a goal of mine, my book, and hopefully reaching my own personal version of nirvana. You see, I am a firm believer that as a person you can have it all. I want the success, my own career, financial freedom, and wonderful man to share in this incredible journey called life. I believe we as a people are always made to choose, one or the other. I CHOOSE not to CHOOSE, I want it all! I believe I can be the renaissance woman and ignite a fire in others to do the same. Some say it's hoping for too much, I say if you never reach for the stars, how are you going to soar to extraordinary feats and be an OUT OF THIS WORLD individual?

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